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    The benefits of international


    Why start exporting?

    Today, there are several advantages to developing internationally for French companies. First of all, we see a strong demand for French products for export in different areas. Whether it’s the fashion, cosmetics, health, agro or new technologies sector. Next, French products benefit from an excellent image abroad. This gives them a competitive advantage over companies from other international countries. We also see that some countries are currently enjoying strong growth. Finally, all possible financing exists at the service of French companies in order to have more exports and therefore more exporters.

    How to start exporting?

    The key to success is knowing how to surround yourself with expert partners. France has thus set up a team dedicated to export. These include the organization Team France Export. It is made up of teams from chambers of commerce, BPI, business France and the regions. As well as foreign trade advisers, customs and international firms specializing by country or sector of activity. All these different players work closely together to serve French companies. In order to allow them with the greatest rigor to develop their export activity. Above all, do not hesitate to call on one of these players who will know how to best mobilize all the skills. But also all the energy needed to help French companies export successfully.

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